6 Great Benefits of Boxing For Women (Explained)

Many women want to stay fit and in shape, but they tend to stay away from boxing.

It’s important to remember that there’s a place for everyone in boxing! Boxing doesn’t always mean fighting; you can box to learn skills and gain the benefits.

Keep reading to learn about the benefits of boxing for women!

woman in black tank top wearing black boxing gloves
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Benefits of Boxing For Women

Women can gain these benefits from boxing workouts:

  • Increased Self Confidence
  • Weight Loss
  • Toned Body
  • Self Defense Skills
  • Improved Mental Health
  • Boxing Surrounds You With Community

You can enjoy some of these health benefits even from taking one hour-long class!

There is little to no downside to joining a boxing gym or trying out boxing classes.

Increased Self Confidence

First, you’ll gain increased self-confidence from boxing.

As an entry level martial art, boxing teaches you accountability.

It’s only you in the ring; there are no teammates to help you do the work.

Once you push your limits and find out what your body is capable of, this self-confidence translates into everyday life.

If you decide to spar and compete, knowing that you can protect yourself and stand your ground in the ring will be a huge boost to your confidence.

Weight Loss

Next, you’ll lose weight after boxing consistently.

According to research, boxing is one of the most caloric-intensive activities that you can do.

Boxing is great for burning fat and helps you to lose weight in those stubborn areas like the stomach or thighs.

To make this process as efficient as possible, it’s important to pair your training with a healthy diet for boxing.

Over time, you’ll find that boxing strengthens all aspects of your body, from improving cardiovascular health to increasing lung capacity.

Toned Body

Next, you’ll gain a toned body from boxing.

Boxing is a fantastic way to get a full body workout.

Even with a simple exercise like the jump rope, you engage your entire body. Almost every muscle from your feet up to your shoulders is getting a workout.

A more intense workout like hitting the heavy bag or pad work spends more energy, burns fat, and builds your muscles faster.

In any boxing exercise you do, your whole body will be put to work.

Self Defense Skills

Next, you’ll gain self-defense skills from boxing.

Even if you don’t have a combative nature and don’t want to hurt anyone, it’s good to know the basics of combat like:

  • Controlling range with your footwork
  • How to block and parry
  • Reading body language

Even if you don’t fight, these skills translate into real life.

If you ever find yourself in a tough situation where your well-being is at stake, it’s good to know that you can take care of yourself.

Improved Mental Health

Last, you’ll gain improved mental health from boxing.

The mental health benefits of boxing match the physical benefits. Boxing is a healthy way to get stress relief and improve your mood.

According to research, a boxing workout encourages endorphin release in your body which is beneficial for your mental health.

Had a stressful day at work? Put on your boxing gloves, hit the punching bag for 30 minutes, and you’ll feel much more relaxed after.

Having trouble sleeping? After getting your heart rate up with a boxing workout, you’ll find yourself falling asleep easier.

To top it off, being in a supportive environment where you’re surrounded by people who want to see you win will make you feel good.

Boxing Surrounds You With Community

Lastly, boxing surrounds you with community.

Even though boxing is a solo sport, there’s something special about the camaraderie that you can find at a gym.

No matter if you’re a beginner or an advanced boxer, everything gets respect if you try your best and put in the work.

When you first start boxing, you’ll look up to the top guys at your gym and try to emulate them.

As you get better, you’ll begin to notice the newer guys looking at you the same way.

In today’s world of information overload and isolation, this is a wonderful thing.

woman in black sports bra and black shorts holding black and white boxing gloves
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com


Now that you know about the benefits of boxing for women, you should be convinced that boxing isn’t just a man’s sport.

Boxing doesn’t always mean fighting. You can box to learn the skills, gain the benefits, and create a healthier lifestyle.

If you don’t want to do boxing full time, you can use boxing training to supplement your strength training or weight lifting. It’s great cardio and is more fun than using the treadmill.

If you’re having trouble deciding what boxing equipment to get, check out these articles: