Level up your core and gain a six-pack with this boxing ab workout!
This has been our favorite ab workout for many years now; you can get it all done in under 15 minutes.
Keep reading to add this boxing ab workout to your training routine!

15-Minute Boxing Ab Workout
Here are five ab exercises that you can do in 15 minutes to give you a rock-solid core:
- Thigh Hand Slides
- Russian Twists
- Motorcycle Pedal
- Side Leg Raises
- Cobra Pose
You may have seen some of these exercises before, while others you haven’t.
Each will train a different part of your abdominal muscles, while some will also engage your back.
To improve your breathing technique for boxing and maximize the benefits of your workout, we recommend that you exhale whenever you exert force and inhale when you return to your original position.
We made this list to be a cycle; going through it once will be one set.
For the full workout, go through this list 3 times with one minute of rest in between.
Thigh Hand Slides
The first workout on our list is the Thigh Hand Slide exercise.
To do the Thigh Hand Slide exercise:
- First, start in sit-up position; lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
- Next, straighten your arms so that your hands are on your thighs near your hips.
- Lastly, raise your torso so that your hands slide up your thighs towards your knees; you should only be able to slide upwards a few inches.
For a bigger challenge that engages your back as well, start with your legs in the air so that they are perpendicular to the ground and follow the rest of the steps above.
Once you do this for 30 seconds, move on to the next exercise.
Russian Twists
The next workout on our list is the Russian Twist exercise.
This is one of the most popular ab workouts that trains the sides of your core as well.
To do the Russian Twist exercise:
- First, start on the ground and balance on your tail bone with your legs up and crossed.
- Next, keep your arms close to your chest.
- Lastly, twist your torso from side to side while keeping your legs up.
For a bigger challenge, hold a weighted medicine ball as you do this exercise.
Once you do this for 30 seconds, move on to the next exercise.
Motorcycle Pedal
The next exercise on our list is the Motorcycle Pedal exercise.
To do the Motorcycle Pedal exercise:
- First, start on the ground and balance on your tail bone with your legs off the ground, pointed outward and your knees bent.
- Next, raise your arms as if you were gripping a motorcycle’s handles.
- Lastly, pedal your legs inward and outward at a steady pace, as if you were riding a bike.
You can target different parts of your abs by mixing up the movement: pedaling in reverse, side to side, or (our favorite) keeping straight legs and moving your feet in circles.
Once you do this for 30 seconds, move on to the next exercise.
Side Leg Raises
The next workout on our list is the Side Leg Raise exercise.
This exercise exclusively trains the sides of your abdominal muscles and core.
To do the Side Leg Raise exercise:
- First, lie on your side with your elbow supporting your body.
- Next, raise your legs upward while keeping your torso on the ground.
- Lastly, switch sides after 15 seconds.
Once you do both sides, move on to the next exercise.
Cobra Pose
The last exercise on our list is the Cobra Pose exercise.
This yoga pose isn’t typical for ab workouts, but it feels great on your abs and back, and is a good cool-down before you restart the cycle.
- First, start on your stomach on the mat and turn your feet so your heels are facing upward.
- Next, place your hands close to your chest or lower ribs and press upward.
- Lastly, puff your chest outward and roll your shoulder blades back towards your ears, all while keeping your feet on the ground to create an arch with your body.
Hold the pose for 10 deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth, while looking upward.
After this exercise, rest for a minute then go back to the beginning of the cycle.
Benefits of Ab Workouts for Boxing
The benefits of this boxing abs workout include:
- Stronger Core
- Improved Breathing Technique
- Improved Rotational Strength

Stronger Core
First, this boxing ab workout gives you a stronger core.
With a strong core, all aspects of your boxing will improve.
You’ll throw sharper punches, you’ll find it easier to move around the ring, and you’ll gain resistance to punches.
For example, when you exhale after a punch, your core tightens automatically.
Even though your core is vulnerable while throwing a punch, you’ll be better able to take shots to the body.
Improved Breathing Technique
Next, this boxing ab workout gives you improved breathing technique.
In order to make it through this ab workout cycle, you need to have a steady breathing rhythm.
With each ab exercise, you should be exhaling each time you twist, raise your legs, or slide your hands up your thighs.
By getting this technique down, you’ll have more power and fluidity when you box.
Improved Rotational Strength
Lastly, this boxing ab workout gives you improved rotational strength.
Your hips, core, and back allow you to generate torque for all of your movements in the ring.
When you want to throw a power punch like a hook or an uppercut, you’ll be better able to direct this rotational energy to your target.
With this ab workout circuit, your core strength will improve seven-fold.
Keep in mind that if you’ve been training boxing for a while, you probably already have a six-pack; it’s probably just hiding underneath your belly (not joking).
If you want to burn that last bit of belly fat, you’ll have to change what you eat before and after boxing.
If you’re having trouble deciding what boxing equipment to get, check out these articles: