How To Use The Speed Bag (For Beginners)

Do you want to have the same rhythm, timing, and hand speed as your favorite pro boxer?

Training on the speed bag is an essential way to put focus, rhythm, and timing into your boxing.

Keep reading to learn how to hit the speed bag!

Photo by cottonbro studio on

How To Use The Speed Bag

To use the speed bag:

  • Stand Square And Adjust The Bag’s Height
  • Start Hitting The Bag Slow And Soft
  • Focus On The Bag’s Rhythm
  • Keep Your Hands Up And Always Moving

Stand Square And Adjust The Bag’s Height

The first step to using the speed bag is to stand square close to the bag; don’t use your boxer’s stance.

If you use your boxer’s stance, one side of your body will be closer to the bag than the other side. This will make using the speed bag difficult.

By standing square, you’ll keep your arms at the same distance from the bag.

Next, adjust the bag’s height so that it’s close to your eyes.

By keeping your eyes close to the bag, you’ll train your eyes not to blink and flinch when gloves get close to your face.

Wrap your hands and get ready to hit the bag; leave your boxing gloves off.

Start Hitting The Bag Slow And Soft

The next step to using the speed bag is to start hitting the bag slow and soft.

Use the fleshy side of each hand by your pinky fingers; don’t use your knuckles as it will feel awkward and difficult to keep the bag in constant motion.

If you go too hard and fast right away, you’ll lose control of the bag and you won’t be able to keep a consistent rhythm.

Start with your left hand until you can keep an even pace, then switch to your right hand.

Once you feel comfortable with each hand, alternate your hands with each hit.

When you alternate your hands, lock your elbows in place and rotate your forearms. That’s when you get that classic “wheel” look and feeling.

Mike Tyson on the speed bag.

Focus On The Bag’s Rhythm

Next, focus on the bag’s rhythm as you’re hitting it.

As you hit the speed bag with each hand and pick up speed, you’ll notice three things.

First, your strength doesn’t matter for this drill. It’s best to keep the force of your hands tight and consistent, or else you’ll mess up the flow.

Second, you won’t be able to rely on your eyesight. After a while, the bag will be moving too fast for you to judge its distance with your eyes.

Third, you’ll notice that the bag hits the platform three times before your fist hits it again. Now you’ll rely on listening to the rhythm of the bag.

Regardless if you’re going fast or slow, this pattern will always stay the same. You can even close your eyes and still keep the bag moving.

Keep Your Hands High And Always Moving

Lastly, once you catch a consistent groove, keep your hands high and always moving.

Some boxers also like to hop in place or around the speed bag as they hit it, but you can choose to stay in place.

If you get bored with alternating your hands, mix up the patterns!

Try L-R-L-L, R-L-R-R, or R-R-L-R-L. You’ll notice that your body shifts from side to side when you switch hands with irregular patterns.

Benefits Of Hitting The Speed Bag

Some of the benefits of hitting the speed bag include:

  • Hitting The Speed Bag Develops Your Rhythm And Timing
  • Hitting The Speed Bag Improves Your Hand-Eye Coordination
  • Hitting The Speed Bag Teaches You To Keep Your Hands Up

Hitting The Speed Bag Develops Your Rhythm And Timing

First, learning to hit the speed bag will develop your rhythm and timing.

Once you get comfortable with the bag, you’ll find that you hit it without looking.

Instead, you can rely on the sound of the bag to guide your hands.

(If you’re a musician and OCD, hearing those sharp triplets will be oddly satisfying.)

It will teach you to focus, especially if there is a pro on the speed bag next to you and all you hear is his speed bag going off like a machine gun.

Hitting The Speed Bag Improves Your Hand-Eye Coordination

Next, learning to hit the speed bag will improve your hand-eye coordination.

Your hands must always be ready to hit the bag and keep it moving, no matter what pattern you use.

Note that the vision you need for boxing is much different from other sports; here it’s impossible to track each movement of the bag, especially when it’s moving fast.

Instead you’re training your eyes to see everything, but not focus on one particular thing.

We think that training the eyes for boxing is one of the hardest things that beginners have to learn.

Hitting The Speed Bag Teaches You To Keep Your Hands Up

Last, learning to hit the speed bag will teach you to keep your hands up.

If you have the bad habit of dropping your hands, using the speed bag will force you to keep your hands up and ready for the next hit.


The speed bag is a great tool for developing your rhythm and timing, improving your hand speed, and setting the good habit of keeping your hands up.

If you keep flinching and blinking when you hit it, check out our guide to beating your fear of getting hit.

If you want to get better at your rhythm and timing outside of the gym, you can try dancing and working on your jump roping!

Combine this drill with the other bags: the heavy bag to increase your punching power, and the double-end bag to increase your accuracy and reflexes.

Watch the video below to inspire you to take this exercise as far as possible!

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