4 Powerful Kettlebell Workouts For Boxing (With Steps)

Level up your boxing workout with a kettlebell, one of the most effective training methods today!

Many boxers use them for full-body conditioning, increasing punching power, and for convenient and cheap training.

Keep reading to add kettlebell training to your boxing workout!

photo of man using yellow kettlebell
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com

Kettlebell Workouts For Boxing

Here are four workouts you can do with a kettlebell to improve your boxing:

  • Kettlebell Swing
  • Kettlebell Deadlift
  • Shoulder Press
  • Kettlebell Halo

These are great if you don’t want to do traditional weightlifting or if you don’t have access to a gym.

Before we start the list, keep these tips in mind:

  • Warm up and stretch before doing this routine.
  • Start with a lighter weight to get the form right, especially if you’ve never used a kettlebell before.
  • Proper technique and form are important with all these exercises in order to maximize benefits and avoid injury.

Kettlebell Swing

The first exercise on our list is the kettlebell swing.

This simple exercise targets your legs, shoulders, hips, and core.

To do the kettlebell swing:

  • First, stand in an athletic stance with the kettlebell at your feet.
  • Next, bend over while moving your hips back and grab the kettlebell with both hands.
  • Next, use your hips to drive the kettlebell up to reach your shoulders as you stand up tall. Make sure to keep your core tight and lats engaged.
  • Lastly, let the kettlebell fall back in a controlled manner to its original position.

Here it’s important to not let the kettlebell fall straight down so that your body collapses; instead you should be guiding the kettlebell down with your whole body.

Do this for 10 repetitions for 3 sets.

Kettlebell Deadlift

Next on our list is the kettlebell deadlift.

This dynamic exercise is like a weightlifting deadlift and will train your lower back and core.

To do the kettlebell deadlift:

  • First, stand in an athletic or sumo-deadlift stance with the kettlebell at your feet.
  • Next, sink your hips down as you grab the kettlebell with both hands, making sure not to bend your back.
  • Lastly, drive your hips up and forward as you let your arms hang.

Do this for 10 repetitions for 3 sets.

For a challenge, combine the exercise with bear crawls and push-ups.

After you finish a rep, let go of the kettlebell and crawl forward while keeping your feet in place.

Do a push-up once you reach push-up position and then crawl back to the starting position, all in one fluid motion.

Shoulder Press

Next on the list is the shoulder press.

This exercise will train your shoulder muscles and your explosiveness.

We recommend that you use a lighter weight for this exercise since it uses one hand and isolates your shoulder.

To do a shoulder press:

  • First, stand in an athletic stance with the kettlebell at your feet.
  • Next, squat and grab the kettlebell with one hand while using the other to keep balance.
  • Next, press upwards and pull up the kettlebell, swinging it to the back of your hand and letting it rest on your shoulder.
  • Next, press the kettlebell upwards and return it to your shoulder. (Some people go straight up, some people engage the lats more and lift the weight with a more rounded trajectory.)
  • Lastly, swing the kettlebell to the front of your hand as you squat and return it to the ground.

Do this for 10 repetitions on each side for 3 sets.

One variation that we like to do when the kettlebell is on our shoulders is to do lunges with each leg.

You’ll find that keeping the kettlebell on one side while you’re doing a lunge on the other side will improve your balance significantly.

Kettlebell Halo

Last on our list is the kettlebell halo.

This exercise will improve your core stabilization and strengthen your shoulder muscles.

To do the kettlebell halo:

  • First, stand in an athletic stance holding the kettlebell upside down by its horns (not the top handle) with both hands at chest-level.
  • Next, rotate the kettlebell around your head in a controlled manner.
  • Lastly, once you reach the original position, do the same motion in reverse.

The slower you do this exercise, the more effective it will be.

Do this for 10 repetitions for 3 sets.

Benefits of Kettlebell Exercises

The benefits of doing kettlebell exercises include:

  • Full Body Conditioning
  • Increased Punching Power
  • Convenient and Cheap Training

We prefer doing kettlebell exercises over traditional weightlifting since many of the explosive movements here can directly be translated into the movements we use in the ring.

man in black shirt carrying kettle bell outdoors
Photo by Taco Fleur on Pexels.com

Full Body Conditioning

First, kettlebell exercises give you full body conditioning and muscle building.

No matter if you use a 10- or 20-pound kettlebell, your upper body will be challenged in keeping the weight controlled throughout the motions.

On the other hand, your lower body will be used in all exercises here, except for the Kettlebell Halo.

All exercises here will require you to engage your core and keep it tight throughout the motion.

Increased Punching Power

Next, kettlebell exercises give you increased punching power.

Like an uppercut or hook, all of the exercises here focus on using the legs and hips for power generation.

Your arms are only used to transfer the force and to keep the kettlebell under control.

Convenient and Cheap Training

Lastly, kettlebell exercises are convenient and cheap training.

Like skipping rope or shadowboxing, you can take it anywhere and train whenever you want.

You don’t need a gym membership or fancy equipment; all you need is one kettlebell to get ripped.


With a proper kettlebell training program, your entire body will level up for boxing.

To train these same ideas but with more focus on rotational motion, incorporate a medicine ball into this workout.

If you’re having trouble deciding what boxing equipment to get, check out these articles: